Thursday, 26 April 2012

Carephone Landline SOS Pendant Alarm Phone

We have just got into stock The Carephone Landline phone which uses a waterproof pendant that you wear on your wrist to call an emergency number when needed. This is a great product for the elderly.

If you are worried about an elderly relative or friend then this landline phone from The Carephone is the ideal choice to put your mind at rest. Although this product can make landline calls that is not its main purpose. Firstly it is there to be of support of the user when they need to contact someone. 

How it works if you have a main base station which has a small display and an easy to use keypad. This is where you can adjust settings and programme numbers. This is also where you charge the pendant and make a call if you really have to. A bonus of this model is that the base can be customised with a 'skin' so you can make it look that bit more homely. 

The pendant to go with the base can be worn around the neck or on the wrist, the choice is yours, it comes with either accessory. The pendant itself connects easily with the wrist band or beck band. It has 2 buttons, SOS and cancel. To make an SOS call all you you have to do is hold the button for 2 seconds. If you do this by accident you can then press the cancel button to stop it. 

To help the pendant from getting damaged it has been built to be waterproof. This means you can wear it with confidence when your washing the dishes or even in the shower. The Carephone Landline phone is a small and smart looking product that can really take some of your worries off of your mind. 

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